Monday, 10 June 2013

Journey to self discovery

Its time for change, its time for the release of the old, the unneeded and the hold backs. I felt this change surfacing since the new year approached but little did I know that it was about to get allot more interesting..

Have u ever felt like its about time for your life to begin?.OR maybe just that you feel in your soul that their is more to your life and dreams then what u see now? Whether u have already established your career and family and there doesn't seem to be much wrong with your life as per society you seem to have the ideal perfect little life? When that feeling haunts you and you seem to loose all focus on the other stuff. Its time to take yourself and that calling seriously!

As per this I'm about to remark on the long awaited JOURNEY TO FINDING ME. I know what's to do. I know what's required and I know it won't be easy but the hunger for the achievement will haunt me forever if I don't take this leap of faith right now..

For starters, 1 month of self cleansing.
In this process I will start at the ground work and most essential aspect of the entire journey. The body, soul, mind cleansing process whereby I meditate daily, eat differently by putting only good food into my body. Self reflect and pray. This will be the first step to my discovery and I'm willing to share my journey with you. There will daily/ weekly posts on the development and changes that I face on this course the free time factor applies here as well. Starting Day 1 tomorrow..

What is your feelings and thoughts about this Nique?
I'm excited to see what lays beyond to uncover and I'm a little sad for all the nice nice that I'll be giving up along the way. The hope, dreams and visions that I have for myself are important to me right now but I'm more interested to see what God indeed has in store for me. I'm putting both the time and faith into being open to depart from Nicky dreams and see what God dreams are for me. (So very excited here...hehehe!) ...a sense of awareness coming on really strongly. Can't shake the feeling but I know that Awareness is the first step in the creation process. As you grow in self awareness you will better understand why you feel what you feel and why you behave as you behave. That understanding then gives you the opportunity and freedom to change those things you’d like to change about yourself and create the life you want. Without knowing who you are, self acceptance and change become impossible. Hence the reason I am taking on this process to finally see who it is I am and what it is God wants for me. (So still, a very excited face!)

June 10
Day prior to the cleansing season

I'm preparing for my big path starting tomorrow. Its lunch time now and I'm a little confused about what to put in my body. One part of me wants to eat as much junk food as possible cos I don't know if ill ever go back to wanting it. The other half of me wants to take it easy, simple and eat as light and healthy as possible to prepare but the biggest part of me is just confused!..

My meal today will be 6 lightly fried fish fingers in butter with a glass of Coca Cola. I was a bit tempted to do more but I opted for a little aromat on my fish finger instead. With a rather strange craving for nicotine as well. I might just indulge with a cigarette. For old times sake off course

Prayer meditation for the day?
Lord come into my life today. I invite you on my transformation. Take and make with my hopes, dreams and visions as you please. Change my body to you like and move in ways that constantly shock and surprise me. You know I love surprises, Amen

Bible Verse of the day:
Acts 21:35 its more blessed to give than to receive

Until tomorrow,

Be inspired!

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