Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Happen to find yourself without a date this Valentines day?

Even though you happy flying solo for the rest of the year, Therese always something about Valentines Day that can make a woman feel like their might be something wrong with her,,, I know because I been
single for many many many Valentines days. So, Yah I know the feeling all too well!
Thinking back to all this, Iv decided to help those having the Valentines blues this year,
You ask and Lady Couture, Just how do you plan on doing this????
Well its simple Iv compiled a list of this to keep you so busy and make you feel as special as you
suppose too on this very flirty day, See given my expertise in this field I know just the cure to the Single blues, Its simple - The trick to avoiding over thinking your single status is making sure you have back up plan for the night!! Clever, Right?

 Here are some quick patch up ideas :
- Plan a ladies night out with your girls, we all have single girl friend right! You have a night out or throw a pamper party ( each one can take a turn to perform massage, facials, hairstyling or even play make me over!  * ( great fun!!!!!)
- Throw a Ken and Barbie Party (Heres how it works!)
 Invite all the single ladies and guys you know and have a modelling competition, you have best  dressed, play game and then select the winner for more info ON this party ideas, you can e-mail me on
-Have a dinner party with your bestest buddies and exchange hand made gifts!

 look if all fails you can always buy a nice dress, pair of red heels and just,,,,,,, wear it! lol!

Well their you have it,,,,,,,atleast my take on this! use it, do it, don't do it! anyway thanks for reading my blog!!
          !Wishing you a loving and warm Valentines !
                                                                                Be inspired !!!!!!!!!!!

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