Beauty is a funny thing… So many of us spend way too much time focused on our own external appearance – arguably, with the goal of looking more “beautiful.” But what does it really mean to be beautiful – and does primping and pampering and criticising and altering our physical appearance really make us any more beautiful in the end?
While you may quickly argue that you look better in pictures when you’re dressed up and have your hair and makeup done – is that really what makes you beautiful?
So, I ask you this: what really does make someone beautiful?
I’ve asked this question to numerous friends, family and we all agree that beauty comes from within but yet I see so many people each and every day trying their utter most to try and idolise someone else.
Face it you are who and what you are and no amount of make-up or flashy labels will ever change that.
So I tend to see myself as an original being, perfect in my own sense but yet wonder why so many can not see their own originality in that sense. On this matter I pondered and thought about this many times until I came across a intriguing message that immediately just spoke to me -
“What comes from the heart goes to the heart.”
This actually is a quote given to Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
There is a heartfelt sincerity when one speaks from the wellspring of their heart and tiny bit off info tells me that the focus and the pattern will never change not unless we as individuals take a stand and change our own hearts as only ones self can change them self from within. What are the benefits of being truly original???????
How I see it ,,,,The opportunity to fully become who we were meant to be and not to clone and override our own special talents and abilities! Trough all our experiences we encounter within our path we grow and I believe we all grow for own special contribution to fulfil Gods plan but we cant access that ability unless we strive to develop and grow our own self. It really make me sad to see how people turn into something else basically over night. Something that may seem cool to them as they imitate the next but from the viewers point of view it just looks whack as we know that that that person you are trying to be is not you and you can and will never be your idol. Look face it the reason you are you is because you are meant to be you, no need to want to change.Life itself takes on a form of beauty when you access your heart’s wellspring. You perceive things differently. As you grow spiritually your soul flourishes and only then you can access your calling!!
Whether you the reader find my advice whack or may not agree, I could not care less. My goal for this article is to touch at least one girl that can fully understand this and give herself a chance to fully grow her inner self! As I believe I have found my originality and I will continue to do as the spirit guides me. I meet beautiful and stylish girls all the time… some of whom are, shall we say, “personality challenged”…but…the girls that I always want to shoot…and the girls that I always want to talk to and get to know better are the sweethearts…the kind ones…the genuine ones…the ones who have not only beauty on the outside but who radiate it from within as well! “Beauty comes from within” is not a backhanded compliment - it’s a mantra that you should repeat to yourself and the ultimate goal should be to find that beauty within and stop the fakeness!! Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that the clothes and make-up is bad, I for one love my bling. Its the fakeness that comes from the internal I'm referring too, the sort that one can can spot a mile away.
I want to share the following poem with you ,,, I just read!
By Kim Morrison Co-Author of: About Face, Look and Feel 10 Years Younger – Naturally
When a little girl is three, she looks at herself and sees a glorious queen.
Her world is like all the fairytale books she has ever read and seen.
By the time she reaches eight; she sees herself as Sleeping Beauty.
She plays the part; she is a princess, the sweetest little cutie.
But when she hits her teens it’s like she sees nothing nice at all.
All she sees are ugly pimples, too fat, too short, too tall.
This crazy self-destruction continues into her 20’s and beyond.
Perfect images make her wish for a magic model making wand.
And then she hits her 30’s; life’s busy now with so much to do.
She’s fatter now but what the heck, she’s had a kid or two.
She feels herself getting older, she complains and knows it’s naughty.
She’s got more wrinkles, a mid life crisis and she’s hitting 40!
She tries real hard to say “I’m Ok” but the mirror doesn’t lie.
She’s put on weight, she’s tried all the diets, it’s enough to make her cry.
What she’d give to have her body of 20 years ago.
If only she’d had more time for her, she’d have made an effort, you know!
Then something starts to happen at 50, a woman takes heed and reflects within.
She looks at herself, she say’s I am! She will conquer, prevail and win.
She tells young women: be kind to yourself, be happy with who you are.
When youth passes you by you will reflect and see you where indeed a shining star.
A 60 year old woman takes a look at herself and is grateful she can see at all.
She reminds herself how short life is, there’s no too fat, too tall.
She sees all women as Beautiful, if only they weren’t in such a hurry.
She says, Slow down, smell the roses, stop all the fuss and worry.
When a woman is 70 she looks at herself and sees wisdom and laughter.
Life is about enjoying yourself, being loved and happier ever after.
Having a body that moves with ease, an active and open mind.
Knowing that beauty lies within, being truthful, honest and kind.
An 80 year old woman doesn’t look at herself ; she sees the wind, the rain and the sun.
She puts on a pink hat, goes out in the world and shares it with everyone.
If only we knew to grab that pink hat and see the world through her eyes.
Judge ourselves less and learn to appreciate that life is the greatest prize.
This is no reason why we shouldn’t all smile and see how beautiful we are.
Women- Take Stock; accept who you are, be the light in your shining star.
Honour yourself and know that what matters comes from deep within.
It’s about being happy, being proud of yourself and loving the skin you are in!
Be Inspired
By Veronique Beuran craven